Monday, June 20, 2011

First Things First

As a new principal I have class lists to make for next year, hold interviews for a new 5th grade teacher, and figure out the teachers' planning time schedule for starters. But there is just something that must be done before all of this... decorating the office! Fortunately I have a budget for such things and let me tell you how much fun it is to purchase things to make your place look nice when it's not your own money you are spending. So I have been working on making my office look just right since I figure I will be spending lots and lots of time in it. I have also made a few improvements in the main office as well. Some of the comments I have heard are that you can tell a female principal is now at Barnett Elementary. I will take that as a compliment I think!
So this is what I have been doing since I have been on the job as principal:

A view of my office wall and a little conference table that is part of my desk.

A close up of my shelf, I think it looks pretty good.

My desk and comfy chair and the window that looks out into the main office. I also have a window that looks outside too, good times!

A view of my office looking in from the main office.

These are some of the main office cupboards I redecorated. I went with the feel good about yourself theme.

These plates will be rehung a lot better by my custodian, I was just putting them up to get the effect and now you can see kind of what this area of the office will look like too!

This is the main office wall I also decked up a bit. I am going to put a quote underneath in vinyl lettering to put the finishing touches on the wall.

I guess if this whole principal thing doesn't work out I can look into a career in decorating!


  1. Congrats Angela! I am super impressed by the amazing decorations :) I also know you are an wonderful person who is probably making it as a fabulous principal!
